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Add Hardware Integration

OneWare Studio is a comprehensive development environment designed for hardware and software integration. It features a system that allows you to add any FPGA development board using JSON configuration files. This is useful for configuring the graphical user interface (GUI) and ensuring that your toolchain supports your hardware.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Directory Structure​

OneWare Studio organizes its files in a structured manner to facilitate easy management and integration of hardware components. Here is an overview of the directory structure:

First, let's have a look at the OneWareStudio folder inside your home directory.

The directory structure within OneWare Studio looks similar to this:

├── Packages
│ ├── Hardware
│ ├── Local
| ├── FPGA
| ├── Extensions
| ├── PMOD
| ├── CRUVI_LS
| ├── CRUVI_HS
│ ├── OneWare.MAX1000
| ├── FPGA
| ├── MAX1000
| ├── fpga.json
| ├── gui.json

Local is the default package name where you can add your own hardware components. However, it's also possible to create a new directory for your own hardware package. This is useful if you want to sync your hardware integration with Git. Just ensure that the paths within your package follow the same structure as in Local.

  • FPGA Boards are located inside Packages/Hardware/<PACKAGENAME>/FPGA/<YOUR_FPGA_BOARD_NAME>.
  • Extension Boards are located inside Packages/Hardware/<PACKAGENAME>/Extensions/<CONNECTOR>/<YOUR_EXTENSION_BOARD_NAME>.

Adding an FPGA Board​

  1. Create a folder inside Packages/Hardware/Local/FPGA/<YOUR_BOARD_NAME>.
  2. Inside this folder, create a file named fpga.json.

In that file you can add the pins of your board, the properties needed to compile for it and interfaces that are used for extensions or autoconnect.

To see how this file can look like when finished, you can have a look at the fpga.json for the MAX1000

The basic file structure for the fpga.json looks like this.

"properties": {
"quartusToolchainFamily": "MAX 10",
"pins": [
"description": "CLK",
"name": "H6"
"interfaces": [
"name": "CLK",
"pins": [
"name": "1",
"pin": "35"


Valid properties at the moment are for compiling using Yosys and/or Quartus. These follow the documentation for the respective tools and control how the arguments are set for running the commands needed to compile/program the hardware.

This is an example that is valid for the Icebreaker V1.0 using OSS CAD Suite

"properties": {
"yosysToolchainYosysSynthTool": "synth_ice40",
"yosysToolchainYosysFlags": "",
"yosysToolchainNextPnrTool": "nextpnr-ice40",
"yosysToolchainNextPnrFlags": "--package sg48 --up5k",
"yosysToolchainPackTool": "icepack",
"yosysToolchainPackFlags": "",
"openFpgaLoaderBoard": "ice40_generic",
"openFpgaLoaderShortTermFlags": "",
"openFpgaLoaderLongTermFlags": ""

This is an example that is valid for the MAX1000 using Quartus

 "properties": {
"quartusToolchainFamily": "MAX 10",
"quartusToolchainDevice": "10M08SAU169C8G",
"quartusProgrammerShortTermMode": "JTAG",
"quartusProgrammerShortTermOperation": "P",
"quartusProgrammerLongTermMode": "JTAG",
"quartusProgrammerLongTermFormat": "POF",
"quartusProgrammerLongTermOperation": "P"


Pins are a simple array of JSON objects that look like this:

"description": "CLK",
"name": "H6"

They simply set the pins that are available for your hardware, so you can connect them in the GUI.


Interfaces can be used to graphically connect extensions for your hardware.

This is how you would define the PMOD Interface for the MAX1000:

"interfaces": [
"name": "PMOD_1",
"connector": "PMOD",
"pins": [
"name": "1",
"pin": "M3"
"name": "2",
"pin": "L3"
"name": "3",
"pin": "M2"
"name": "4",
"pin": "M1"
"name": "5",
"pin": "N3"
"name": "6",
"pin": "N2"
"name": "7",
"pin": "K2"
"name": "8",
"pin": "K1"

The pin value must point to a pin that is already defined in Pins, while the name value provides the respective name that extensions can use to know where the real pin is located.

Adding an FPGA Extension​

To add an FPGA extension, follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder inside Packages/Hardware/Local/Extensions/<CONNECTOR>/<YOUR_EXTENSION_NAME>.
  2. Inside this folder, create a file named extension.json.

In that file you can define the pins and interfaces for your extension.

Here is an example of what the extension.json might look like:

"name": "MyExtension",
"connector": "PMOD",
"pins": [
"description": "TX",
"name": "A1"
"description": "RX",
"name": "B1"
"interfaces": [
"name": "UART",
"pins": [
"name": "TX",
"pin": "A1"
"name": "RX",
"pin": "B1"

Adding a GUI​

Adding a GUI is similar for both FPGA boards and extensions. Start by adding a gui.json file to your hardware folder (same location as fpga.json). A gui.json file consists of width, height, and an array of GUI elements like this:

"width": 480,
"height": 480,
"elements": [
"type": "rect",
"x": 40,
"y": 40,
"width": 400,
"height": 400,
"color": "#096845"

The width and height can be calculated by multiplying the board size in millimeters by 4. For example, a board that is 100x100mm would have dimensions of 400x400px. It is recommended to use a border of 40px on each side, so you should set the width and height to 480x480.


The IDE will show a live preview of your gui.json file! Just open them next to each other, and view your changes on every save. Live Reload

Here is a list of valid GUI Elements that can be added, including their possible attributes:

  • The textColor will default to the IDE's default text color (white in darkmode / black in light mode). If you want to draw it on top of rectangles, you should choose a color with good contrast.
  • The fontSize will default to 10.


Creates a rectangle. This can be used as a background for the hardware.

xX coordinate in pxdouble100✅
yY coordinate in pxdouble100✅
rotationAngle to rotate in degreedouble90
widthWidth in pxdouble100✅
heightHeight in pxdouble100✅
colorBackground colorstring"#AA00BB"✅
cornerRadiusCornerRadiusstring"10 15 20 10"
boxShadowShadow for the elementstring"0 0 5 5 #77000000"
textText to draw in the centerstring"Test"
textColorText color as hex codestring"#FFFFFF"
fontWeightFont weightstring"bold"
fontSizeSize for the text in ptint10


Creates an ellipse.

xX coordinate in pxdouble100✅
yY coordinate in pxdouble100✅
rotationAngle to rotate in degreedouble90
widthWidth in pxdouble100✅
heightHeight in pxdouble100✅
colorBackground colorstring"#AA00BB"✅


Creates a text. It is recommended to use the label property from Pin for labeling pins, or the text property from Rect for writing inside rects.

xX coordinate in pxdouble100✅
yY coordinate in pxdouble100✅
rotationAngle to rotate in degreedouble90
colorBackground colorstring"#AA00BB"✅
textText to draw in the centerstring"Test"
textColorText color as hex color codestring"#FFFFFF"
fontWeightFont weightstring"bold"
fontSizeSize for the text in ptint10


Creates an image.

xX coordinate in pxdouble100✅
yY coordinate in pxdouble100✅
rotationAngle to rotate in degreedouble90
widthWidth in pxdouble100✅
heightHeight in pxdouble100✅
srcRelative path to imagestring/Assets/overlay.png✅


Creates an interactive button, that can be used to graphically select a pin. The default width/height is 10px.

xX coordinate in pxdouble100✅
yY coordinate in pxdouble100✅
rotationAngle to rotate in degreedouble90
widthWidth in pxdouble100
heightHeight in pxdouble100
colorBackground colorstring"#AA00BB"
bindPin to connectstring"A4"
labelText to draw next to the pinstring"A4"
flipLabelShow label on right sidebooleantrue
textColorLabel text color as hex codestring"#FFFFFF"
fontSizeSize for the label in ptint10


Creates an array of pins, which makes it easier to manage multiple pins next to each other.

xX coordinate in pxdouble100✅
yY coordinate in pxdouble100✅
rotationAngle to rotate in degreedouble90
pinWidthDefault width for pinsdouble10
pinHeightDefault height for pinsdouble10
horizontalIf the pinArray is horizontalbooleantrue
flipLabelShow label on right sidebooleantrue
colorDefault background for all pinsstring"#AA00BB"
textColorDefault label text color as hex codestring"#FFFFFF"
pinsIncluded PinsPin[]View below✅

Example for a horizontal pinArray:​

"type": "pinArray",
"x": 80,
"y": 168,
"horizontal": true,
"textColor": "white",
"pins": [
"bind": "39",
"label": "LED_R",
"color": "red"
"bind": "41",
"label": "LED_B",
"color": "blue"
"color": "GND",
"label": "GND"
"color": "3V3",
"label": "3V3"


Similar to PinArray, but requires a width. The labels will be shown inside the pins by default. The pins will wrap once the width is reached, making this control useful for displaying blocks of pins.

xX coordinate in pxdouble100✅
yY coordinate in pxdouble100✅
widthMax Width per row before wrappingdouble100✅
rotationAngle to rotate in degreedouble90
pinWidthDefault width for pinsdouble10
heightDefault height for pinsdouble10
colorDefault background for all pinsstring"#AA00BB"
textColorDefault label text color as hex codestring"#FFFFFF"
pinsIncluded PinsPin[]View below✅

Example for a pinBlock:​

"type": "pinBlock",
"x": 80,
"y": 168,
"width": 80,
"pinWidth": 20,
"pinHeight": 20,
"pins": [
"bind": "39",
"label": "LED_R",
"color": "red"
"bind": "41",
"label": "LED_B",
"color": "blue"
"bind": "GND",
"label": "GND"
"bind": "3V3",
"label": "3V3"


Creates a USB control, that allows connecting RX and TX easily.

xX coordinate in pxdouble100✅
yY coordinate in pxdouble100✅
rotationAngle to rotate in degreedouble90
txBindPin for TXstring"B6"✅
rxBindPin for RXstring"A6"✅
flipLabelShow label on right sidebooleantrue


Shows another gui.json file as an element.

xX coordinate in pxdouble100✅
yY coordinate in pxdouble100✅
rotationAngle to rotate in degreedouble90
srcRelative path to gui.jsonstring../B1/gui.json✅


Adds a PMOD connector.

xX coordinate in pxdouble100✅
yY coordinate in pxdouble100✅
rotationAngle to rotate in degreedouble90
bindPMOD interface to connectstring"PMOD_1"✅
connectorStyleAdds an option to make connector smallerstring"compact"


Adds a CruviLS connector.

xX coordinate in pxdouble100✅
yY coordinate in pxdouble100✅
rotationAngle to rotate in degreedouble90
bindCruviLS interface to connectstring"CRUVI_LS_1"✅


Adds a CruviHS connector.

xX coordinate in pxdouble100✅
yY coordinate in pxdouble100✅
rotationAngle to rotate in degreedouble90
bindCruviHS interface to connectstring"CRUVI_HS_1"✅

Example Integrations​

Here are some example integrations that demonstrate how to add hardware components using OneWare Studio: